Barry joined the club in the very early days (late 1960’s) and was co-opted on to the committee on the 11th. January 1971, he then became chairman at the AGM of January 1972 and then resigned from the committee in 1975.
He stayed within the club but went on with two other members to form “Three Way Link” an exhibition layout in “00” scale with numerous scratch built items, working coaling plant was one of the main items on show. Barry was a prolific scratch builder and built many a fine locomotive.
When the above finished he re-joined the club and became a valued club member working on various projects and concluding in the construction along with two other members of “Maudland Sidings”, again with a lot of scratch building work included in it.
In the latter years he gave valuable assistance in the setting up of the exhibition mainly dealing with the electrics and when open stewardship, but due to his deteriorating health he had to stand down from these roles ands eventually ceased coming to the club rooms.
His modelling skills and general knowledge relating to railways will be greatly missed by the club.
I have heard the funeral will be on Friday, 12/May, but not where or at what time.